What is a Toggle?

April 25, 2023 by No Comments


Togle (noun)

In computer technology and some other areas, toggle refers to an on-off switch. It is a way for the user to change settings, preferences or other types of information.

Toggle is a very common user interface component that allows users to choose between two opposing states. It is a great choice when users need to make decisions about a set of options or preferences.

Good labels are important for toggle controls. Labels should be direct, short, and descriptive of the control’s functionality. They should also be accompanied by a visual signifier, such as the color red for the On position.

Color is an important visual signifier for toggles and should be high-contrast to make it easy for users to identify the state of the control. Using low-contrast colors can cause confusion and lead to mis-understanding.

Typical use cases for toggles include changing system settings and preferences, and updating user information. These options should be labelled clearly, and results should be immediately visible after clicking the toggle.

Experiment Toggles are a great way to perform multivariate or A/B testing on a product. These toggles send different cohorts down one codepath or the other and track the effect on that particular cohort.

Release Toggles are transitionary by nature and should not stay in place for longer than a week or two. However, product-centric toggles may be more long-lived.

Savvy teams will look to keep their toggle inventory as small as possible, so they are proactive about removing feature flags that no longer serve a purpose. Some even create “expiration dates” on toggles which will fail tests or even refuse to start applications if a feature toggle remains in the product after that date.