How to Design a Toggle in ASP.NET
Toggle is a user interface control that allows users to choose between two states. It is commonly used in technology, computing, programming, and communications. Toggle is often compared to a checkbox, and can sometimes be seen as a glorified version of one. However, unlike a checkbox, the toggle is usually not automatically made accessible to people with disabilities. For this reason, many UI designers choose to avoid using toggles or limit their use to situations where they can be easily made accessible.
Toggles can be very useful in software development, as they allow us to experiment with new features and options without affecting all existing users. They can also be used to enable/disable functionality for specific cohorts of users. Ultimately, they are useful tools that can be used to make data-driven improvements in the user experience.
When designing a Toggle, it is important to use high-contrast colors when labeling state changes. This will help ensure that the state of the toggle is clearly visible to the user. It is also a good idea to use a visual signifier like an icon or words to indicate what state the toggle is in. Finally, it is a good practice to include a brief description of the behavior that the toggle controls, as this will help prevent confusion.
Savvy teams will keep their inventory of feature toggles low by ensuring that old ones are removed as soon as they have run their course. This can be done through a simple process of adding an item to the team’s backlog or even by putting an expiration date on the toggle itself (either via an ASP.NET feature flag or by using a tool like a Continuous Integration server).