How to Test and QA Your Slot
A slot is a narrow depression, groove, notch, or slit, especially one that admits something, such as a coin or a piece of paper. It may also refer to a position or time in a schedule, sequence, or process.
With developers pushing the envelope with mechanics like Megaways and Infinireels, and progressive jackpots keeping the dream of life-changing wins alive, it’s no wonder that slots remain popular with players worldwide. And with immersive virtual reality on the horizon, it seems as though the best days for slot games are still ahead.
As with any other type of game, it’s important to test and QA your Slot before you launch. This involves Unit Testing, which sees your slot game developers testing the individual components of your game to ensure they work as expected. It also involves Integration Testing, where the individual components are brought together and tested as a whole. And finally, System Testing, which tests the overall functionality of your slot game.
With the help of analytics, your iGaming business can discover what features are making your slot game a success with players. This will help you to build new games that improve upon your previous successes, as well as identify features that aren’t working for players. Ultimately, this will improve your ROI and boost player engagement. However, testing and QA are only half the story. To keep players interested in your Slot, you’ll need to market it as well.