Managing Configuration Using Togles

February 9, 2023 by No Comments


A toggle or toggle switch is a user-interface component that allows users to choose between a pair of opposing states. It is commonly used to update preferences, settings, or other types of information.

In computing, a toggle can refer to both hardware switching (for example, the Caps Lock and Num Lock keys on a keyboard) and software switching (for example, options menus in many applications). It also refers to switches that have two positions: on and off.

Toggling is a common method of control in both computer and hardware technology, especially for buttons that enable toggle behavior. It allows users to switch between two opposing states with just a click or a button press, similar to the way you might use a cordlock toggle to stop a drawstring or cord.

When using a toggle, it is important to clearly identify the setting, view, or content that it controls, so people know what they are changing. Generally, this means using interface icons that communicate the purpose of the toggle and updating its appearance based on the state it is in.

Labels should be direct and clear, and the color should indicate which state the toggle is in. Low-contrast colors can make it difficult to see if the switch is on or off, so choose colors that are high-contrast to convey this.

Managing Configuration

Toggling configuration should be managed in some sort of centralized store, usually an existing application database. Depending on the scale of your toggles and configuration, this could be a simple static file or it may be more complex and sophisticated with support for in-memory re-configuration.