Types of Toggles
A toggle is a simple user-interface element that allows the user to update preferences, settings and other types of information. Toggles are often used in a UI context where the user needs to make a choice between two opposing states. When using toggles be sure to provide direct labels, use standard visual design and deliver immediate results. Also, when possible use a form control instead of a toggle to avoid indeterminate state changes.
Toggles are used in many ways throughout a website or application and they can be quite useful, especially when experimenting with new workflows. However, it is important to note that a toggle is not the best markup for all scenarios and in some cases a checkbox may be a more appropriate choice. In addition, as you scale up the use of toggles it can become difficult to manage the configuration via static files so it is a good idea to build out some type of admin UI that makes managing Features Flags and their configuration more streamlined.
A Permissioning Toggle is a great way to perform experimentation with a new product feature and can be particularly helpful when you want to change the user experience in the midst of a live production environment. These are typically long lived compared to other categories of Feature Toggles and can be triggered by a specific event such as a customer request or a performance improvement metric. Alternatively, you can use an Experiment Toggle to perform A/B testing by consistently sending a cohort of users down one code path or another so that you can determine which provides the best outcome.