Using Toggle Switches in User Interfaces
A toggle is a switch that can be moved between two positions: On or Off. Toggle switches are a good control for settings and preferences, since they are easy to read and take less screen space than two radio buttons.
Using toggles in user interfaces should be carefully considered to ensure that they are used consistently and for the correct purpose. Toggle switches should always be labeled clearly and ideally be designed to mimic sliders or other visual cues to help users understand what the switch is doing.
Color is also a common way to communicate the state of a toggle, but it’s important to consider both the societal and cultural implications of the color chosen. Toggles should be marked with a high-contrast color that can be easily distinguished from the surrounding background. In addition, designers should make sure to use consistent state descriptors such as “On” and “Off.”
Toggle Switches can be a very useful tool for improving user experiences. However, it’s important to remember that they are not a replacement for other types of user interface controls such as Radio Buttons or Checkboxes. For example, a radio button takes up more screen real estate than a toggle, and should only be used for a choice that requires multiple options to be selected. For these types of choices, a checkbox is often the better control. Moreover, it is important to make sure that toggles are well-implemented, and do not become broken or ambiguous over time.