What Is Toggle?

July 19, 2024 by No Comments

Toggle is an intelligent investment research platform that combines and organizes all of the available data on an asset and displays it in a simple, intuitive way. It helps you understand the drivers that affect a given asset so you can decide whether to stay long or short. Toggle is an alternative to traditional research tools that are overly focused on trying to sell you their particular strategy or system.

Toggles can be used to perform multivariate or A/B testing on a system. Each user of the system will be sent down one code path or the other and by tracking how each cohort performs we can make data-driven optimizations to things like the purchase flow on an ecommerce website or the Call To Action wording on a button.

One of the most common uses for toggles on websites is to show or hide elements of a page. This can be useful for articles with a lot of content that you want to keep hidden for users who don’t need to see it yet, or for sites with limited screen space. Toggle can also be used to show or hide sections created by template specific prompt fields such as the article title, subtitle and credits, as well as the vignette that provides a concise summary of an article.

Unfortunately, many developers and designers who use toggles don’t consider accessibility. They often set the toggle to display green when it is on and red when it is off, and this can be confusing for users with color blindness or other conditions that prevent them from distinguishing between these colors.