How to Use Toggle Controls in Your Web Application
Using toggles is an important part of creating a user-friendly interface. They can be used to change settings, preferences and other types of information on your site or app.
Labels for Toggles
Labels for toggle switches should be clear and describe what the control will do when the switch is ON. Unlike other controls, labels should not be neutral or ambiguous.
Color for Toggles
In general, it’s best to use a high-contrast color that signals a state change. This makes it easy for users to understand which option is on or off.
Visual Design for Toggles
Toggle switches should look like sliders, allowing the user to change them quickly. They should also utilize visual cues such as movement and color to avoid confusion.
Static Configuration for Toggles
A common way to manage toggle configuration is via static files, although this can be rather cumbersome as you scale up. This can be problematic if you want to make changes consistently and accurately across a large fleet of servers.
Dynamic Configuration for Toggles
For some applications, such as Ops Toggles, it can be necessary to provide a mechanism for dynamic in-memory re-configuration of feature flags. This can be done by providing an endpoint in your feature flag system that allows re-configuration to happen at runtime.
Experiment Toggles for Testing
One of the most important uses for toggles in testing is to perform multivariate or A/B testing. In this approach, a single toggle is used to route users down either one codepath or another at runtime, based on which cohort they belong to.